Fyth fyth rhyfedd'i'r cariad
Fyth fyth rhyfedda' i'r cariad
Fyth fyth rhyfedda'i'r cariad
Fyth fyth rhyfeddai'r cariad

1,2,3,(4,5);  1,2,4,(6).
(Yr arfaeth a'r prynedigaeth)
Fyth, fyth, rhyfedda'i'r cariad,
    yn nhragwyddoldeb pell,
A drefnodd yn yr arfaeth
    im' etifeddiaeth well
  Na'r ddaear a'i thrysorau,
      a'i brau bleserau 'nghyd:
  Fy nghyfoeth mawr diderfyn
      yw Iesu, Brynwr byd.

Ar noswaith oer fe chwysai
    y gwaed yn ddafnau i lawr,
Ac ef mewn ymdrech meddwl
    yn talu'n dyled fawr;
  Fe yfai'r cwpan chwerw
    wrth farw ar y pren;
  Palmantodd ffordd i'r bywyd
    O'r ddaear hyd y nen.

Rhyfedda'r fuddugoliaeth
    ar ben Calfaria fry,
Wrth farw fe gongcwerodd
    fy holl elynol lu;
  Caethiwodd bob caethiwed,
      rh'odd roddion i'w ei saint,
  Ni fedr neb tafodau
      fynegi fyth eu maint.

Tragwyddol glod i'r cyfiawn
    fu farw dros fy mai;
Fe adgyfododd eilwaith
    o'r bedd i'm cyfiawnhau;
  Ar orsedd ei drugaredd
      mae'n dadleu yn y ne',
  Ei fywyd a'i farwolaeth
      anfeidrol yn fy lle.

Er gwaetha'r maen a'r gwilwyr,
  Fe gododd Iesu'n fyw;
Daeth yn ei law alluog,
  A phardwn dynolryw;
Gwnaeth etifeddion uffern,
  Yn etifeddion nef;
Fy enaid byth na thawed,
  A chanu iddo ef.

Ni cheisia'i 'n wyneb Moses
  Ond Iesu i ddadleu 'nghŵyn,
Y Cyfiawn tros'r annghyfiawn
  Fu farw er fy mwyn;
Yn ymchwydd yr Iorddonen,
  Ac yn y farn a ddaw,
Dďangol yn y diwedd
  Y fyddaf yn Ei law!
Morgan Rhys 1716-79

Tonau [7676D]:
Abertawe (Salmydd Marot)
Garn (John Thomas Rees 1857-1949)
Manheim (H L Hassler / J S Bach)
  Merioneth (<1829)
Mount Street (J Roberts [Ieuan Gwyllt] 1822-77)
Pentir (Udgorn Seion 1859)
Rutherford (Chrétien Urhan 1790-1845)
Rhyddid (John Jones 1725?-96)

  Ar noswaith oer bu'r Iesu
  Bryd nawn ar y ddedwyddaf awr a gawn
  Er gwaetha'r maen a'r gwylwyr/milwyr
  Ni cheisiai yn wyneb Moses
  Tragwyddol glod i'r cyfiawn
  Yr Iesu adgyfododd

(The plan and the redemption)
Forever, forever, I will wonder at the love,
    in a distant eternity,
Which was arranged in the plan
    for a better inheritance for me
  Than the earth and its treasures,
      and its fragile pleasures altogether:
  My great, endless wealth
      is Jesus, the Redeemer of the world.

On an cold evening he would sweat
    the blood as drops down,
And he in a mental struggle
    paying our great debt;
  He would drink the bitter cup
      while dying on the tree;
  He paved a way to the life
      from the earth as far as heaven.

I will wonder at the victory
    on the summit of Calvary above,
While dying he conquered
    all my enemy host;
  He took captive every captivity,
      gave gifts to him his saints,
  No tongue is able
      to express ever their extent.

Eternal praise to the righteous one
    who died for my sin;
He rose again
   from the grave to justify me;
  At the throne of his mercy
      he is pleading in heaven,
  His life and his immeasurable
      death in my place.

Despite the stone and the guards,
  Jesus rose alive;
He brought in his powerful hand,
  The pardon of humankind;
He made the heirs of hell,
  Into heirs of heaven;
Let my soul never be silent,
  And sing unto him.

I shall not seek in the face of Moses,
  But Jesus to argue my complaint,
The Righteous for the unrighteous
  Who died for my sake;
In the swelling of Jordan,
  And in the coming judgment,
Safe in the end
  I shall be in His hand!
tr. 2015,17 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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